Please refer Printer Setup Fully Explained article to understand how margins work.
As shown in image below, Margins are always applied from Top and Left, +ve or -ve. They are in measured MM (milimeter). Top margin will be ALWAYS applied from top (shown as RED line) and Left margin will be ALWAYS applied from left (shown as BLUE line) no matter what the Print Direction is.
We are going to explain how margin settings work in settings page.
From image above
- if you move “Top” margin slider towards down(+ve), will move all cheque particulars to down (to that much milimeter). Same way, if you move “Top” margin slider towards up(-ve), will move all cheque particulars to up (to that much milimeter) while printing cheque.
- if you move “Left” margin slider towards right(+ve), will move all cheque particulars to right (to that much milimeter). Same way, if you move “Left” margin slider towards left(-ve), will move all cheque particulars to left (to that much milimeter) while printing cheque.
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