Dashboard page is featured with direct links, no. of cheques with it’s statuses and cheque book summaries.
Direct links
This is the top block which contains direct links for each pages with summary. The no. in each boxes shows the current count of each entities.
The PROFILE box shows the profile completion in percentages.
No. of cheques with it’s statuses
This block shows the no. of cheques with it’s current statuses. All the cheques are queried for different statuses including Upcomming and Overdue statuses. Check this article for Meaning of Cheque Statuses
Clicking on any of this box will redirect you to Advanced Search page with list of cheques filtered with selected status.
Cheque book summaries
In this block all cheque books with it’s summary are listed. Summary includes Bank name, Account no., Book name, Total cheques printed out of all with progress bar and full cheque status summary with counts.
At top of this block, you will find a button to download/export cheque book report.